Olivier d'Eternod

Olivier d'Eternod

Senior Consultant & Executive Coach


French & English

Olivier d'Eternod

To Olivier

Olivier d’Eternod is an expert in behavioral and relational dynamics. He holds a Master’s degree in Business from the University of St. Gallen and attended a leadership development program at IMD. He is a certified coach and generative change practitioner, and has held senior management positions in multinational corporations for 20 years. Today, he is focusing his attention on a new mission: re-enchanting relationships with oneself and others in the work environment.


Inner well-being can be seen on the outside, through the presence, posture, and energy a person offers to her environment. In times of transition and transformation, this inner peace can be shaken by uncertainty, doubt, and temporary anxiety. This is where outside help comes into play. It creates connections, builds resilience, helps rebound and illuminates the talent that's just waiting to shine!